FabricLink Network Releases a Feature Article on PolyCore

In this feature article, Sustainability Trends - Reducing Water Usage & Waste, FabricLink details PolyCore’s three types of patented water-based polymer coatings.

PolyCore® featured three types of patented environmentally-friendly water-based polymer coatings. The three PU coating technologies include PolyCore, PolyCore Light, and Spot Welding. The coatings can be applied to any fabric to increase its durability. The coating increases the protection against abrasion by over 500%. This technology is changing the manufacturing processes to show your partnering apparel brands how important social responsibilities are in producing eco textiles that increase the fabric durability, while lowering the environmental impact.

PolyCore Light replaces petroleum-based coatings, while maintaining the same price levels. PolyCore want its clients to use non-toxic chemistry in their production to reduce the environmental impact and strengthening social responsibilities within the manufacturing process. PolyCore Light increases the protection against abrasion, while enhancing the products’ durability and profitability.

Spot Welding was developed to apply the environmentally-friendly PolyCore coating to specific, high abrasion, constantly-abused garment sections. This technology provides for the enhancement of the fabrics’ durability and functionality for specific areas.

Source: https://www.thetechnicalcenter.com/Apparel/Sustainability_TrendsORSM2019.cfm

Casey Jefson