Gabriella Whittaker - Sustainability Specialist


Today Arthur Chen, president of PolyCore Inc., announced the appointment of Gabriella Whittaker as Sustainability Specialist for PolyCore. Gabriella will join the team that has set out to eliminate the use of solvent based fabric coatings and virgin polyester and nylon in the outdoor industry. This effort is dedicated to the elimination of outdoor products that are derived from crude oil which will greatly reduce CO2 emissions and protect the ozone from harmful VOC's.

Gabriella recently graduated from the University of San Diego with a degree in Environmental Science. She will work with major outdoor customers to develop strategies to eliminate crude oil products. PolyCore and other industry leaders have created new alternatives for petroleum based products, and Gabriella will contribute to the process of phasing out fossil fuels.

Gabriella comes from a distinguished outdoor family. Her grandfather Lou, is a renowned mountaineer and his twin brother Jim was the first American to climb Mt. Everest. Gabriella's father Peter owns the largest guide service in the US on Mt. Rainier.

An avid skier and mountaineer herself, Gabriella has embraced the struggle to protect the outdoors. Her studies have been directed at making a difference in this ongoing battle. This year she was recognized by the faculty and alumni association for her research on climate change, and she has been involved in efforts to make USD’s campus more sustainable for the past four years. She is excited to contribute to the world of sustainable development and innovation.

Casey Jefson